Seventh meeting on SciML

crop science

Yingjie Shao and Luan Pott


January 23, 2024

Our seventh meeting was in Impulse (building 115, Stippeneng 2, Wageningen)

We had two interesting presentations:

  1. ‘Machine learning for candidate crop growth models classification’ by Yingjie Shao. Yingjie’s presentation can be dowloaded here.

  2. ‘Data Science and Crop Mapping in Southern Brazil’ by Luan Pott. Luan’s presentation can be found here.


    Mike Vondran at Christ the Redeemer, Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 30 2008. This photo has Sugar Loaf and Copacabana.” by over_kind_man is licensed under CC BY 2.0 .